The Jr. High Baseball game tonight at West Salem will start at 4:15.
Saluki fan attending the Jr. High softball at Flora - There will be no concessions at Flora today so plan accordingly.
Saluki fans going over to watch Jr. High Baseball at Parkview will not be required to wear a mask. The IESA has ruled no mask is needed outdoors if social distancing.
If you are interested in your child enrolling in the Red Hill Preschool program, please stop by BGS and pick up a packet. Once the packet is returned to BGS your child could potentially be placed in a classroom or on the waiting list. We are offering in-person learning and remote learning for families. If you have any question please call, 945-5721 and press 4 to leave a message for Jodie Aldridge, our parent educator.
Jr. High Baseball plays at Parkview tomorrow. Please take note of their expectations and guidelines for those attending the game.
Parkview JH Fall Sports Covid Guidelines
The following guidelines and expectations should be followed at all outdoor fall activities at Parkview JH.
● Maintain Social 6ft of social distance with those not in your household.
● Face masks MUST be worn by spectators at all times unless it is removed temporarily for eating and drinking (Per IESA Guideline).
● All athletes are NOT required to wear face masks while participating in the game (Per IESA Guidelines) unless social distance can not occur. In those instances, athletes are asked to wear masks.
● Face masks are required for all athletes in the dugout (Per IESA Guidelines).
● Face masks are required for all coaches when in the dugout area, coaches meeting, mound visits, and another other place wear social distancing cannot occur.
● Dugouts will be extended to allow for social distancing.
● Bleachers have been either removed or blocked off. So, spectators may bring their own seating. Pop up tents are allowed.
● Spectators may park along the outfield fences.
● Concession stands will be available. Only pre-packaged items will be sold.
● Restrooms will be available and cleaned regularly by on duty custodial staff.
● Parkview asks all coaches, parents, spectators, and players to stay home if they feel ill.
***This List Is Subject To Change***
Kyle Shelton Parkview Dean of Students Parkview Athletic Director
Download the new Red Hill CUSD #10 app. News, Menus, Events, and more. It's everything in your pocket.
BGS color days for Preschool and Kindergarten
Jr. High Baseball and Softball Sports pictures will be Monday, August 24. Baseball pictures will begin at 2:30 at the field followed by softball pictures. Coaches should have the sports pictures forms for your player today.
Check out the Red Hill Art Department's new website!
Sumner Attendance Center Virtual Open House
Check out the 5th grade website for back to school information!
Check out the 5th Grade website!
The Jr. High Softball and Baseball teams will play at home vs Albion today at 4:30.
Softball will also play Hutsonville following their game with Albion. Game time is scheduled for 6 pm.
Red Hill COVID-19 Compliance for Baseball/Softball
1. There should be no parents at practices.
2. Student athletes will wear masks on buses and in the dugout when not social distancing.
3. Student athletes will have a mask in their pocket in case of player meetings.
4. The baseball dugout will be extended to the backstop (roped off).
5. The softball dugout will be extended as well to encourage social distancing.
6. We will be moving bleachers to encourage fans to social distance.
7. We will also encourage fans to sit in their cars and/or sit with immediate family and social distance from others.
8. There will be no concessions.
Red Hill Jr/Sr HIgh School Junior High and Freshmen Orientation Video.
Sixth Grade Virtual Open House 2020-2021
Pre-Kindergarten 2020-2021 Information
Daily Self Certification Form
Parent COVID-19 Wellness Screening Tutorial