Red Hill High School Girls Basketball @ Olney that was scheduled for tonight has been moved to tomorrow night(2/12). Game time is 5:15.
Red Hill High School Boys JV Basketball scheduled for tomorrow night (2/12) @ Olney has been cancelled. Red Hill Boys Varsity basketball will play @ Olney tomorrow night(2/12). Game time is 7 pm.
There will be no practices today due to poor road conditions.
Red Hill CUSD #10 will be closed on Thursday, February 11, 2021, due to poor road conditions. Parent/Teacher conferences scheduled for Thursday evening will be rescheduled.
Reminder: if you are interested in traveling to the east coast next summer, the virtual meeting is TONIGHT, at 7 pm on Zoom. RSVP with the link below to get the Zoom invite!
Red Hill CUSD #10 will be closed on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, due to poor road conditions. Parent/Teacher conferences scheduled for Wednesday evening will be rescheduled to another date. Please watch our social media for updates about the status of future scheduled activities.
Below is the live stream link for the Jr. High Boys basketball game at St. Joe.
Below is the link to watch the Red Hill vs Lawrenceville girls basketball game. or they can search for Red Hill CUSD10 on YouTube.
Streaming link to the High School Girls Basketball game Tonight at Red Hill vs Lawrenceville.
You can also find the game by searching for Red Hill CUSD10 on YouTube.
Just a reminder that St. Joe is not allowing fans into the Jr. High Boys Basketball game tonight. I am waiting on live stream information.
The next opportunity for students to return to in-person instruction from remote learning is Monday, February 8th. If your student is planning to return on that date, please call the school office no later than noon on Friday, February 5th if you have not already done so.
There will be a 2020 Eastern Seaboard virtual informational meeting on Wednesday, February 10 at 7 pm. Any students or parents who are interested should follow the link in the image for access to the zoom meeting. Please contact Miss. Stewart with any questions you have.
Red Hill Jr. High yearbook order forms for the 2020-2021 school year have been distributed to junior high in-person learning students. If your student did not receive one, there are additional forms available in the office. If your student is a remote learner, forms are available in the office or you may order online @ Orders are due to the school office by Thursday, February 11th.
Chromebook Update:
Thank you, for the OVERWHELMING responses. All of the Chromebooks have been spoken for at this time. A list has been compiled. We have began calling and emailing individuals. We plan to notify everyone by Friday.
Thank you,
Red Hill Technology Deptartment
This year has been very difficult for everyone with the COVID requirements and such. It has no only been hard for parents, teachers, and staff, but our students are struggling through this time as well. Here at SAC, we have our tree up, but it just isn't the same this year. We can't have the 4th grade make ornaments and place them on the tree. We cannot have a food drive like we have each year at this time. COVID has simply rocked our world here at SAC and we believe it is time for some Christmas cheer!
One of our teachers here at SAC, Ms. Bailey, thought we should have some Christmas fun the week before Christmas break. As you can see, we are going to have a week of Christmas fun dressing up to celebrate the holidays. We want to make sure everyone participates. We will be judging on certain days to reward those who really share their Christmas spirit with SAC. Stay tuned for some fun pictures and the winners throughout the week.
We want to end our second quarter with a wonderful week of fun! SAC can hardly wait!
Used Chromebooks for Sale
This week in 4th grade science, we studied electrical energy and made our own circuits. It was electrifying!!
Free WiFi Resources
SAC 4th grade students are thankful for our veterans! Thank you for your service, and Happy Veterans Day!
SAC 4th grade students are thankful for our veterans! Thank you for your service, and Happy Veterans Day!
Congratulations Kailyn Perry! She won the 2020 Red Hill Art Department T-Shirt/Sticker Design Contest!
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Please fill out the Student Chromebook/iPad Agreement located in your Skyward Family Access account in order for your child to take their school issued device home. Red Hill CUSD #10 understands that the COVID-19 pandemic could cause the school district to transfer to full remote learning either by building or the entire district.