⭐️⭐️Preschool Openings⭐️⭐️ Preschool has a few openings left for the 2022-2023 school year. We are looking for children ages 3-5. If your interested in your child attending preschool please pick up new student paperwork from the office of Bridgeport Grade School during regular school hours. If you have questions please call 618-945-5721 option 4. Please share this information with family and friends !!
over 2 years ago, Jodie Aldridge
Fine Art Friday is back! Every week, a Red Hill student/artist is selected to showcase their amazing artwork. This week’s Fine Art Friday artist is Marina Robles. The featured artwork is a still-life study created in charcoal. Marina is currently taking Painting & Drawing I. She is a foreign exchange student from Spain. We are so excited to welcome her to Red Hill and discover this artist's talent.
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Taylor
Fine Art Friday
Ag in the Classroom came to visit the 4th graders today, and they brought a big combine!
over 2 years ago, Mackenzie Tennis
Congratulations to the 2022 homecoming court! Lilly Weston, Jolee Stremme, Kendall Davis, Lianna Hasewinkle, Presley Havill, and Julia Buchanan. Coronation will take place directly after the parade on Friday, September 30th.
over 2 years ago, Allisen Rhinehart
Red Hill's 2022 Homecoming parade will be held on Friday, September 30th at 6:00 p.m., with line-up at 5:15 on the streets north of the high school. For any local businesses or organizations interested in entering a vehicle or a float, the deadline to sign up is Wednesday, September 28th at 12:00 p.m. You will need to contact Cindy Bridwell or Allisen Rhinehart in the school office at 618-945-2521 to get an entry number and line-up location. Coronation will immediately follow the parade on the football field.
over 2 years ago, Allisen Rhinehart
Band Camp for SAC 5th and 6th graders is next week! 5th Grade will be on Monday and Wednesday. 6th Grade will be on Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 - Flutes 9:30 - Clarinets 10:00 - Percussion 10:30 - Saxophones 11:00 - Trombones/Baritones 11:30 - Trumpets 12:00 - French Horns
over 2 years ago, Amanda Evinger
Red Hill Jr./Sr. High School Orientation Information
over 2 years ago, Jakie Walker
Red Hill Jr./Sr. High Orientation Information
Red Hill CUSD #10 Back to School Information
over 2 years ago, Jakie Walker
Back to School Information
Junior High Softball practices start on Monday, July 25th. We will have an open 'gym' for JH Softball on July 19, 20, and 21 at the Westall Field at 5pm. If you have any questions, you can email me at aevinger@cusd10.org
over 2 years ago, Amanda Evinger
Red Hill CUSD #10 2022-2023 School Calendar
over 2 years ago, Jakie Walker
School Calendar
​Preschool Openings Preschool has a few openings left for the 2022-2023 school year. Child must turn 3 before September 1, 2022 to be eligible. New student paperwork can be picked up at Bridgeport Grade School, Monday - Friday, from 8AM - 1PM. Bridgeport Grade School will be closed on Monday, July 4. Any questions please call 618-945-5721 option 4.
over 2 years ago, Jodie Aldridge
Last day of 5th grade: https://youtu.be/M-537CDqn2g
over 2 years ago, Christina Bailey
Last day of 5th grade: https://youtu.be/M-537CDqn2g
over 2 years ago, Christina Bailey
Happy Retirement Mr. Tiffany! https://youtu.be/NzVTEPBN1tM
over 2 years ago, Christina Bailey
I'm so excited to share these murals! This year we completed 2 murals at Red Hill Jr/Sr High School! One in the cafeteria and one in the ag hallway. The kids did an awesome job! The link is for a process video! Enjoy! https://www.canva.com/design/DAFB0ixcoFU/eLzhl2FOgu1R8OQadPFSLw/watch?utm_content=DAFB0ixcoFU&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Taylor
Murals 2022
Murals 2022
Join the Lawrence County Health Department for a Summer Kick-Off Party!
over 2 years ago, Natalie Dunkin
Summer Kick-Off Party
The fifth graders enjoyed their day at Vincennes University and Gregg Park.
over 2 years ago, Christina Bailey
5th Grade Fun!
5th Grade Fun!
5th Grade Fun
5th Grade Fun!
School based health centers are considered one of the most effective strategies for delivering preventative care, including reproductive and mental health services, to adolescents-a population long considered difficult to reach. The Lawrence County Health Department is gathering the community’s feedback on the potential need for a health center based in Red Hill School District. The following services would be provided: - School Physicals - Sports Physicals - Vaccines - Acute health visits due to sickness - Chronic health visits - Acute injury visits - Mental Health - General Health Education - Nutrition Education - Sexual Health Education - Referrals needed to any specialty - Well Child Visits Would you please take a few minutes to complete this survey? https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8FPGBXS The LCHD appreciates your feedback!
over 2 years ago, Natalie Dunkin
8th graders have recently been doing frog dissections after completing a unit on the human body. They have done fantastic work on this project and have learned so much in addition to having fun! Mrs. Yager is so proud of all of them! The materials for this activity were paid for by the Southeastern Illinois Community Foundation - Central Illinois Rural Teachers Foundation spring grants.
over 2 years ago, Megan Yager
8th graders dissecting frogs
8th graders dissecting frogs