REGISTRATION REMINDER: Please register your students before the first day of school. Returning students of Red Hill Community Unit #10 registration is to be performed online prior to the school year beginning. The online registration "window" is open and parents can register students by going to Skyward Family Access and entering their username and password. Once Family Access opens, click on the Registration Instructions button. Once you have the instructions you can choose the Returning Student or Kindergarten & New Student button and complete each form. Payments can also be made online via RevTrak. If you pay with RevTrak before the first day of school, you will not be charged the service fee of 3.49%(Red Hill CUSD #10 is covering this service fee). Additional instructions will be provided during the online registration process. Parents: if you do not have a username and password for Skyward Family Access, please contact your student's school. We recognize that some parents may not have computer access or may require assistance with registration. In these cases, you may visit any Red Hill CUSD #10 school to get assistance with registration. Please contact the school office for information on the times available. New Student Registration link can be found at:
over 4 years ago, Tammy Parker
Sumner Attendance Center REMOTE LEARNER'S Device pick-up will be Monday, August 17, 2020 from 12pm until 5:00pm at the Sumner Attendance Center School Office. Registration and fee payments have to be completed before you can pick-up your device. A parent or guardian will need to be present for device pick-up. Please call 618-945-2521 choose the option for Technology if you have any questions. This is only for Remote Learners in Person Learning will have access to a device each day at school.
over 4 years ago, Brandy Whitney
News Media Image
Check out our 4th grade website!
over 4 years ago, Mackenzie Tennis
All students at Red Hill Jr/Sr High School will have a device assigned to them this year. 7th & 8th Grade Device pick-up will be Friday, August 14, 2020 from 12pm until 5:00pm at the Red Hill Jr/Sr High School Office. Registration and fee payments have to be completed before you can pick-up your device. A parent or guardian will need to be present for device pick-up. Please call 618-945-2521 choose the option for Technology if you have any questions.
over 4 years ago, Tammy Parker
All students at Red Hill Jr/Sr High School will have a device assigned to them this year. Freshmen Device pick-up will be Thursday, August 13, 2020 from 12:00 until 5:00pm at the Red Hill Jr/Sr High School Office. Registration and fee payments have to be completed before you can pick-up your device. A parent or guardian will need to be present for device pick-up. Please call 618-945-2521 choose the option for Technology if you have any questions.
over 4 years ago, Tammy Parker
All students at Red Hill Jr/Sr High School will have a device assigned to them this year. Junior and Sophomore Device pick-up will be Wednesday, August 12, 2020 from 12:00 until 5:00pm at the Red Hill Jr/Sr High School Office. Registration and fee payments have to be completed before you can pick-up your device. A parent or guardian will need to be present for device pick-up. Please call 618-945-2521 choose the option for Technology if you have any questions.
over 4 years ago, Tammy Parker
All students at Red Hill Jr/Sr High School will have a device assigned to them this year. Senior Device pick-up will be Tuesday, August 11, 2020 from 12:00 until 5:00pm at the Red Hill Jr/Sr High School Office. Registration and fee payments have to be completed before you can pick-up your device. A parent or guardian will need to be present for device pick-up. Please call 618-945-2521 choose the option for Technology if you have any questions.
over 4 years ago, Tammy Parker
Student Registration Returning students of Red Hill Community Unit #10 registration is to be performed online prior to the school year beginning. The online registration "window" will open August 4th and parents will be able to register students by going to Skyward Family Access and entering their username and password. Once Family Access opens, click on the Registration Instructions button. Once you have the instructions you can choose the Returning Student or Kindergarten & New Student button and complete each form. Payments can also be made online via RevTrak. If you pay with RevTrak before the first day of school, you will not be charged the service fee of 3.49%(Red Hill CUSD #10 is covering this service fee). Additional instructions will be provided during the online registration process. Parents: if you do not have a username and password for Skyward Family Access, please contact your student's school. We recognize that some parents may not have computer access or may require assistance with registration. In these cases, there will be times available at the individual schools where computers and staff assistance will be available. Please contact the school office for information on the times available. New Student Registration link can be found at:
over 4 years ago, Tammy Parker
Student Regisration
Attention 4th Grade Parents
over 4 years ago, Tammy Parker
4th Grade Parents:  Mechanical Pencils
We lost a part of our Red Hill family today with the passing of teacher Regina Mitchell. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family.
over 4 years ago, Tammy Parker
Red Hill Administrative Team is reviewing the IHSA "Return to Guidelines" for High School Sports. Please bear with us over the next few days as we work with our coaches to develop our plan that follows these guidelines. Once our coaches have reviewed the new district guidelines, coaches will be able to schedule voluntary strength and conditioning sessions.
almost 5 years ago, Red Hill CUSD #10
Red Hill Administrative Team is currently studying the guidance and rules from ISBE as it pertains to driver education. Please bear with us over the next few days as we work with our staff to create a plan and a schedule that keeps our students and staff safe and healthy.
almost 5 years ago, Red Hill CUSD #10
If your student was receiving Fish and Loaves and would like to participate in the summer food program, you can find more information and a sign up form at the website below?
almost 5 years ago, Red Hill CUSD #10
It is always great when a plan comes together. Thank you to our district cooks for providing meals today to 77 families. A special "Thank You" to our Lawrence County Fish and Loaves program for providing a breakfast and dinner item for our students. Remember to call 945-2061 and press option 4 to reserve a meal for any students 18 years old and younger. Our "Grab and Go" lunches are served from 11:00 am. - 12:00 pm at Bridgeport Grade School and Sumner Attendance Center.
almost 5 years ago, Red Hill CUSD 10
Nutrition Service workers preparing sack lunches
Virtual Spirit Week! Today is show your school spirit!
almost 5 years ago, Red Hill CUSD 10
Virtual Spirit Week
Staff showing off school spirit