Bridgeport Grade School

Bridgeport Grade School




  • Students and staff are to wear masks at all times they are in the building.

  • Students will sanitize their hands with hand sanitizer as they enter each classroom.

Beginning of the School Day

  • Doors to the building will open at 7:45 am to students who are drop-offs or walk to school. Sumner school shuttle students will be allowed to enter the building at 7:30.

  • Upon arrival, students will either have their temperature taken or will move through the self-certification line.

  • Parents should self-certify their students using the Skyward app each morning.

  • Once approved to enter the building, students must have their masks on and they will report directly to their first-period class unless they are eating breakfast.

  • Students who arrive at school on a school bus prior to 7:45 am will report to the north gymnasium or to the cafeteria to eat breakfast.

Self Certification

  • Parents are encouraged to self certify their students each morning in the Skyward app.  This will greatly speed up the process for students to be able to enter the building.


  • Students will be socially distanced during the lunch period.

  • Students are allowed to remove their masks during the time in which they are eating.

  • We will be unable to provide a cooler for students to store their lunch boxes in.  They will need to use an ice pack to keep their lunches cool and keep their lunch in their backpack.

Water Bottles

  • The school district has purchased district approved water bottles for students to use.

  • We have water bottle refill stations in the buildings for students to refill the water bottles.

Further procedures related to the Return to School Plan will be covered by each student’s teacher on Thursday, August 20, 2020.